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Nebula Measurement Results Calendar Week 42

 — #libp2p#ipfs#nebula#measurements

Nebula Measurement Results Calendar Week 42

General Information

The measurements were conducted on the following machine:

  • vCPU - 4
  • RAM - 8GB
  • Disk - 160GB
  • Datacenter - nbg1-dc3
  • Country - Germany
  • City - Nuremberg

The following results show measurement data that was collected in the calendar week 42 from 2021-10-18 to 2021-10-24 UTC in 2021.

  • Number of crawls 336
  • Number of visits 8,532,595
  • Number of unique peer IDs visited 59,083

Timestamps are in UTC if not otherwise indicated.

Agent Versions

Newly discovered agent versions:

  • go-ipfs/0.10.0/b5b5f09b6-dirty (2021-10-17 23:32:14)
  • go-ipfs/0.9.1/d841f42bb (2021-10-18 10:01:34)
  • go-open-p2p (2021-10-18 13:04:45)
  • RendezvousRAT/server (2021-10-19 11:31:46)
  • go-ipfs/0.9.1/1b6fb661c (2021-10-20 07:30:56)
  • go-ipfs/0.11.0-dev/5a61bed (2021-10-20 17:01:03)
  • go-ipfs/0.11.0-dev/5a61bedef (2021-10-21 10:32:45)
  • (2021-10-22 21:00:10)
  • go-ipfs/0.11.0-dev/23442df (2021-10-23 11:03:07)


Newly discovered protocols:

  • / (2021-10-18 13:04:45)
  • / (2021-10-18 13:04:45)



Node classification:

  • dangling - A peer that was seen going offline and online during the measurement period (potentially multiple times)
  • online - A peer that was not seen offline at all during the measurement period (always online)
  • offline - A peer that was not seen online but found in the DHT during the measurement period (always offline)
  • entered - A peer that was offline at the beginning of the measurement period but appeared within and didn't go offline since then
  • left - A peer that was online at the beginning of the measurement period, did go offline and didn't come back online

Crawl Time Series

crawl overview

The top graph shows the number of dialable and undialable peers for each individual crawl. Further it shows the sum of both as Total.

The bottom graph shows the percentage of dialable peers in each crawl (Dialable / Total)

By Agent Version (selection)

crawl properties


crawl churn

Inter Arrival Time

cdf inter arrival dangling

Agent Version Analysis


agents all

These graphs show the agent version distribution that was observed during crawling the network. The number next to Total indicates the number of successful crawl visits that contribute to the distribution.

Dangling Nodes Only

agents dangling

These graphs show the agent version distribution that was observed during crawling the network of only the dangling nodes. The number next to Total indicates the number of successful crawl visits that contribute to the distribution.

Online Nodes Only

agents online

These graphs show the agent version distribution that was observed during crawling the network of the nodes that were online the whole measurement period (very stable peers). The number next to Total indicates the number of successful crawl visits that contribute to the distribution.

Geo location


geo all

Geo locations of all visited peers.


geo unique

This graph shows the country distribution of all seen unique IP addresses during the measurement period.



geo online


geo offline


geo dangling

Agent Version


geo hydra


geo ioi


geo storm


The number next to Total indicates the number of unique IP addresses that went into this calculation.


cloud all



cloud offline


cloud online


cloud dangling

Agent Version


cloud hydra


cloud ioi


cloud storm




Connect measures the time it takes for the libp2p host.Connect call to return. This involves several hand shakes under the hood (includes the dial duration as well).

Connect plus Crawl includes the time of dialing, connecting (as explained above) and crawling the peer. Crawling means the time it takes for the FIND_NODE RPCs to resolve. Nebula is sending 15 of those with increasing common prefix lengths (CPLs) to the remote peer in parallel.

By Continent

geo dial latency distribution